Grantham CAMRA 50th Anniversary celebrations
Grantham CAMRA are hosting its 50th Anniversary celebrations on the 17th of April in The Lord Harrowby, Grantham, from 4pm – 8pm and would like to invite you to attend!
There will be a light buffet put on and the chance to taste the specially brewed 50th anniversary beer at Brewsters!
To help us with expected numbers can you please indicate below if you are planning to attend and would like some buffet!
Let us know you'll attend
50th Anniversary Brew!
Brewsters Brewery have invited Grantham CAMRA to come and Brew a beer to help celebrate our 50th Anniversary. 6 places are available to do this on the 21st of March, Starting at 9am and finishing around 3pm (bring a packed lunch!)
If you would like a chance to win one of the 6 positions please let us know by filling out the form below.
Winners will be notified by email and phone on the 14th of March.
I'd like to brew the anniversary beer